Intelli Labs

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Intelli Labs is your partner in Lab Automation and for other innovative products for the analytical market. We develop and manufacture analytical parts and instrumentation for a broad range of analytical technics. As an independent  service provider we create complete customer specific solutions to your needs. Have a deeper look and explore the difference ...

Featured Products and Solutions

Agilent ChemStation uncovered

Find out how to play the hidden Arcade style game 'ChemInvaders' inside your Agilent ChemStation. It's the first time ever, that an embedded type of 'Easter egg' was found in an analytical science software package and Intelli is very proud that our IT specialist found it. See what we have put together so far.

A new level of Lab Automation

Samples are on the move with the Evolution-5 robot arm. Find more customized robotics and lab automation solutions for flex sample preparation and treatment.
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Last update: 21.10.2020
Intelli Labs Ltd.
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